June 14-15, 2018 / PARIS, FRANCE

About Transform.AI 2018

For the second edition of Transform.AI over 130 senior level executives gathered in the heart of Paris to share insight and perspectives on how Artificial Intelligence is evolving across businesses and enterprises and how it is challenging existing corporate models and beliefs.
The topics covered ranged from understanding the realities of what companies can do today with AI to debating the role of governments and regulators in shaping and promoting its growth, to how corporate leaders need to embrace AI while planning for the impact it will have, to understanding the source of competitive advantage.




Wednesday, 14 June 2018

Joanna Gordon, Transform.AI
Paul Daugherty, Accenture

Fireside chat with Marten Kaveats Artificial Intelligence and why Estonia is pushing for bold AI regulations.

Marten Kaevats, Government Office of Estonia, National Digital Advisor
Walter Frick, Harvard Business Review

How can we tap into the power of AI to make the world a better place? In what ways can we maximize the benefits of AI to solve big problems?

Alexandre Cadain, Anima
Mathilde Aglietta, Founder, ShareIT.Io

How has the ecosystem evolved since Transform.AI 2017?

Debra Danielson, CA Technologies

An overview of the major advances in AI that have taken place in the last year, from a research as well as an application standpoint. How quickly is the transformation happening? Is it a gradual change or a revolution and did we overshoot or undershoot how quickly AI would progress and take over?

Moderated by
Azeem Azhar, The Exponential View
Jean-Philippe Desbiolles, IBM Watson
Nicolas Demassieux, Orange
Romain Lavault, Partech Ventures

To some the idea of a creative machine or robot is a far fetched concept. Others claim that AI will unleash new forms of creativity and unlock more of our potential. What is it?

Andre Manoukian, Muzeek
Philippe Guillaud, Muzeek
Florent Aziosmanoff, Living Joconde

Thursday, 15 June 2018

AI is going to transform businesses but what exactly does this mean? What are the new opportunities enabled by AI? What type of problems or questions can be addressed with AI that we couldn’t answer before? Where in the organization should executives think about using AI and how do you start implementing an “AI first” strategy?

Paul Daugherty, Accenture
in conversation with
Gregoire Ferre, Faurecia
Yves Caseau, President of the ICT Group French Academy of Technologies
Martine Gouriet, EDF

Earlier this year, French President Macron laid out the ambitious French National AI strategy . Fabrice Aubert shares with us how Macron is turning the country into a global AI leader.

Fabrice Aubert, Office of the President of the Republic of France

If algorithms are open sourced and accessible to all, what is the source of differentiation and competitive advantage? Is it the data? The algorithms? The hardware?
When can we truly claim that what companies are doing is “AI” and not just an advanced form of analytics?

Moderated by Jennifer Schenker, The Innovator
Tim Barker,

Alex Dayon, Salesforce
Debra Danielson, CA Technologies
Theo Hoffenberg, Reverso

What role do leadership teams and board of directors have in ensuring companies are leveraging AI for superior business performance ?
How will existing business decision making models and management processes across organizations evolve and how will this affect corporate structures and culture?

Moderated by Peter Zemsky, INSEAD
Eric Chaniot, Michelin
Jean- Luc Dormoy, Hub France IA
Belen Romana, Aviva and Santander

In the past year the narrative that AI is a national strategic advantage and that we are in a winner take all race has become stronger then ever. What does this mean for Europe? The United States?

Moderated by Benoit Georges, Les Echos
Andre Loesekrug-Pietri, Speaker for J.E.D.I., Former Special Advisor to the French Minister of Defence, Founder of ACAPITAL
Francoise Soulie – Former Professor at Tianjin University, Founding Member Hub France IA
Charles Thibout, Iris

Some believe that robots have no right to make mistakes or to have any doubts. How then should companies determine what are acceptable risks when key decisions are being made by machines? What governance and systems are needed to ensure AI remains honest and useful?

Moderated by Walt Frick, Harvard Business Review
Georgie Courtois, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés
Frederic Josue, Havas
Sumit Jamuar, Global Gene Corp
Kriti Sharma, Sage and AI for Good

A new path to drug discovery.

Ross King, University of Manchester

How many people really have the AI skills most tech companies want or that most companies think they want? How can they overcome the talent shortage and overcome the AI skills gap?

Yves Bernaert, Accenture
Jed Kolko,
Laurence Lafont, Microsoft
Yann Lechelle, Snips

Connecting machines to our brains: a glimpse into how we think and feel.

Olivier Oullier, Emotiv

Informal collection of predictions on where will be in a year’s time

Yves Bernaert, Accenture
Joanna Gordon, Transform AI




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